There absolutely IS room for more Star Wars stories.
Tonally different side-steps into other planets and cultures? Yes please. In an era where every movie studio is desperate to create their own series of linked Marvel-esque movies Star Wars is a ready-made galaxy far, far away ripe for exploration.
I just don’t think Rogue One is the best example of how to do it.
On the plus side, it feels like a different kind of movie.
No opening crawl this time, but a flashback to a young Jyn. By the time we see
her rescued from an Imperial prison we can surmise the troubled journey she’s
been on. So far so good.
It’s the other characters that need some help.
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Ok, looking them up on IMDB Chirrut Imwe and Baze Malbus don’t seem so unpronounceable but if you’d asked me their names straight after the movie I'd have been clueless. |
Star Wars has a history of throwing together a disparate
band of misfits that overcome their differences to achieve the heroic. Rogue One
certainly has its merry band and full marks for different ethnicities and
accents. But backstories are non-existent and names are just a step too far
from the norm to be instantly comprehensible.
As such, I found it really hard to engage with these people
or care what happens to them. And if it was in the dialogue, the reason for
Imwe and Malbus being on Jedha was lost on me.

None of the characters get a particularly heroic death,
another reason to suppose that they should all have been morally ambiguous.
Would I have engaged more if they had more grit?
There’s a lot to love
about Rogue One
but it’s a film that didn’t have to be made.
I sound like I hated it, I didn’t. As an old school fan
there is a LOT to love about Rogue One. It really does flesh out the Empire era
of the Star Wars galaxy and show planets and people beyond the main conflict.
It’s undeniably a Star Wars film with plenty of laser guns,
spectacular space battles, glorious visuals (the death star hanging in the sky
above Skarif is beautiful) and crazy architecture with consoles at the end of
precarious gantries – no place for vertigo in the Empire!
It’s just that I
expect, no, we deserve better.
While it seems generally accepted that Uncle George’s
prequels were a bad lot, it’s strange to go back and mine the same territory
again unless you’re going to do something different or improve on it. Rogue One
does neither.
Don’t get me wrong, it’s nothing like the bland CG-fests of
Episodes 1-3 but while Lucas peppered his prequels with new characters that
fired the imagination and potentially outshone the main protagonists (Step
forward Jango Fett, Zam Wessel, Mace Windu and even Yoda) here the heroes seem
to be playing second fiddle to the main saga with too many ‘for the fans’
cameos and references and villains upon villains that only indirectly impact on
our main cast.
Given that we’ve never heard of these characters beyond
Rogue One and go in assuming none of them are getting out alive, it’s a
disappointment that none of them do. What better way to surprise and subvert
our expectations?
Instead Rogue One has an inevitability about it that’s
almost mechanical in its execution right up to its CGI Princess Leia who’s so
placid and chipper, it’s like she’s been dropped in from another movie rather
than caught up in the massive space battle that’s just occurred. And while I’m
thinking about it, just what was the Tantive V doing docked inside a Mon
Calimari capital ship rather than out there fighting? Did someone say ‘contrived’?
More than that, with the death star plans randomly beamed
into space where any of the rebel ships could have received them, including
those that escaped doesn’t it rather take away the sense of urgency from
Princess Leia’s subsequent mission?
What it all amounts to is that as nice, cosy and nostalgic
as it may be to see the death star firing sequence recreated, Peter Cushing resurrected
and Darth Vader swishing his lightsabre, Rogue One is a film that absolutely didn’t
need to be made.
In fandom, it’s commonly known as fanwank, an obsessive need
to fill in every continuity gap. This is Space Opera, not Soap Opera. We don’t
need to see the moment Bail Organa decides to send for Obi Wan Kenobi. In fact,
the more of these self-indulgent moments we see, the more it takes away from the
So the rebel boffins didn’t find a way to destroy the death
star, it was designed that way by Galen Erso. I know he needed to keep it hidden
but couldn’t he have made it easier? At least design fewer gun turrets along
that trench.
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Luke Skywalker looking to the horizon, yesterday. |
And when the pros are serving up fanwank, where is there for
fans to go? What stories are left for the 8 year olds to dream up with their Christmas
action figures? Maybe better ones than are being served to them.
This makes me somewhat reticent about further spin-offs that
try to plunder the ghost of Star Wars past. What further nods and cameos will be
shoehorned into the Han Solo or (rumoured) Boba Fett movies. Surely it’s better
and more exciting to make companion pieces to the latest trilogy? What if Po
Dameron had a side adventure between chapters? How about a story that fleshes out
the woefully underused Captain Phasma?
I grew up with a Star Wars that looked to the horizon. The future. Excitement. Come on Star Wars, enough naval gazing. You’re better than this.
I grew up with a Star Wars that looked to the horizon. The future. Excitement. Come on Star Wars, enough naval gazing. You’re better than this.